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Its all about happiness..

Its all about Happiness..
                              paul vattikuti
One day I asked some of my students the definition of happiness. One of them said that being happy means to express joy or emotions in a state of well being .The other said that it is a  state of well being characterised by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.One said it is felicity .
I agreed to their answers but it did not satisfy .I do not accuse them ,for they spoke what they had been taught and what they had learn. Wanting to make them understand the meaning of happiness I called four students on the stage. I asked them to speak of the moment when they are very happy .
One of the four said that ,"I am happy when everything sets according to the preplaned way"
The second one said that,"I am very happy when I see my girlfriend"huh..He must be kidding.
The third one said that,"I am happy when I Conquer things or war by defeating others"
The last one said that,"I am happy when I get what I want"
I again asked the students the same question.,"What happiness meant"?
They had the same definition of it.
I asked the students that what did they hear in common from the sentences that the four students spoke. They responded that it was the word,"Happiness".
Smiling at them I said No.It wasn't happiness but it was the word ,"I".
Yes it was happiness also but happiness is not when you feel good by defeating others.But in true sense we are happy when someone smiles because of me,when someone's pain unloads by some amount because I share some tears with that person,when I give someone who is in need and not who wants it.
My dear children,we have forgotten the meaning of happiness.The world rejoices when I fall .But when someone will come to pick me up from the pit cleanse my clothes and say ,"hope you dint get hurt, don't worry about the world ,it rejoices in someone's downfall but am with you"
That moment gives me happiness.So start looking for happiness in someone's else joy.Stop living for yourself and start living for others.Because its all about happiness...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Awesome bro.u r right. The true happiness we achieve is when someone else smiles because of us..😃😀👌👌


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